JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationJUNE 2022Vo
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationMARCH 2022V
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationDECEMBER 20
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationSEPTEMBER 2
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationJUNE 2021Vo
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationMARCH 2021V
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationDECEMBER 20
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationSEPTEMBER 2
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationJUNE 2020Vo
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationMARCH 2020V
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationDECEMBER 20
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationSEPTEMBER 2
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationJUNE 2019Vo
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationMARCH 2018V
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationJune 2018Vo
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationSEPTEMBER 2
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationDECEMBER 20
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationMARCH 2019V
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationDECEMBER 20
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationSEPTEMBER 2
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationJUNE 2017Vo
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationMARCH 2017V
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationDECEMBER 20
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationSEPTEMBER 2
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationJUNE 2016Vo
JournalThe ITEAOF TEST AND EVALUATIONPublished quarterly by the International Test and Evaluation AssociationMARCH 2016V
JournalThe ITEAPublished quarterly by theInternational Test and Evaluation AssociationDECEMBER 2015Volume 36,Number 4Ble
JournalThe ITEAPublished quarterly by theInternational Test and Evaluation AssociationSEPTEMBER 2015Volume 36,Number 3TE
JournalThe ITEAPublished quarterly by theInternational Test and Evaluation AssociationJUNE 2015Volume 36,Number 2 Test M
JournalThe ITEAPublished quarterly by theInternational Test and Evaluation AssociationMARCH 2015Volume 36,Number 1The Ri
JournalThe ITEAPublished quarterly by theInternational Test and Evaluation AssociationDECEMBER 2014Volume 35,Number 4Una
JournalThe ITEAPublished quarterly by theInternational Test and Evaluation AssociationSEPTEMBER 2014Volume 35,Number 3Mo
JournalThe ITEAPublished quarterly by theInternational Test and Evaluation AssociationJUNE 2014Volume 35,Number 2Trainin
JournalThe ITEAPublished quarterly by theInternational Test and Evaluation AssociationMARCH 2014Volume 35,Number 1How Mu
Volume 34 No.4 December 2013,pages 304000 TE in the Global Marketplace The ITEA JournalDecember 2013Volume 34,Number 4I
Volume 34 No.3 September 2013,pages 209304 Truth in Data The ITEA JournalSeptember 2013Volume 34,Number 3ITEA JournalTh
Volume 34 No.2 June 2013,pages 129208 The Changing Face of Developmental TE The ITEA JournalJune 2013Volume 34,Number 2
Volume 34 No.1 March 2013,pages 1128 TE Challenges and Issues The ITEA JournalMarch 2013Volume 34,Number 1ITEA JournalT
2012Volume33,Number2ITEA JournalThePublishedquarterlybytheInternationalTestandEvaluationAssociationDrowning in Data,Thi