Congressional Research Service The Library of CongressCRS Report for CongressReceived through the CRS WebOrder Code 93-797 FUpdated September 17, 1993Israeli-Palestinian Agreement-name redacted-Specialist in Middle Eastern AffairsForeign Affairs and National Defense DivisionSummaryOn August 27, 1993, Israel and the Palestinians announced that Israeli ForeignMinister Shimon Peres and Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) official MahmoudAbbas (also known as Abu Mazen) had initialed a landmark agreement on August 19 inOslo, Norway on a Declaration of Principles on interim self-government for the WestBank and Gaza Strip. On September 9, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli PrimeMinister Yitzhak Rabin exchanged letters of unprecedented mutual recognition. OnSeptember 10, President Clinton welcomed the agreement, thanked Congress for itssupport, and announced that the United States would resume its dialog with the PLO.The Declaration was signed at the White House on September 13. The following aresummaries of the Declaration and the letters.DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES!The Declaration will enter into force 1 month after it is signed.!Within 2 months after the Declaration enters into
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