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类型讨价还价空 军开始接受低成本无人机

  • 上传人:任**
  • 文档编号:35303
  • 上传时间:2023-03-02
  • 发布时间:2017-06-12
  • 格式:PDF
  • 页数:9
  • 大小:555.76KB
  • 2017 IHS.No portion of this report may be reproduced,reused,or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent,with the exception of any internal client distribution as may be permitted in the license agreement between client and IHS.Content reproduced or redistributed with IHS permission must display IHS legal notices and attributions of authorship.The information contained herein is from sources considered reliable but its accuracy and completeness are not warranted,nor are the opinions and analyses which are based upon it,and to the extent permitted by law,IHS shall not be liable for any errors or omissions or any loss,damage or expense incurred by reliance on information or any statement contained herein.Page 1 of 9 Bargain hunt:Air forces move to embrace low-cost UCAVs Content preview Subscribe to Janes International Defence Review for full article Unmanned systems have become increasingly sophisticated and consequently expensive.Richard Scott and Huw Williams examine the emerging requirement for low-cost unmanned combat air vehicles and how this can be delivered Unmanned aircraft systems(UAS)have evolved rapidly over the last two decades or so,transitioning f


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    讨价还价空 军开始接受低成本无人机 讨价还价 开始 接受 低成本 无人机
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    本文标题:讨价还价空 军开始接受低成本无人机

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