Automated Launch,Landing and Refueling Technologies for Increased UGV-UAV Effectiveness Katherine Mullensa,Aaron Burmeistera,Mike Willsa,Nicholas Stroumtsosb,Thomas Denewilerb,Jason Pachurac,Gideon Priorc and Barry Hawkinsc a SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego,53560 Hull Street,San Diego,CA 92152-5001 b SAIC,3990 Old Town Ave.,Ste.304C,San Diego,CA 92110 cUniversity of California San Diego,9500 Gilman Drive,La Jolla,CA 92093 Abstract This paper describes the latest efforts to develop an Automated UAV Mission System(AUMS)for small Vertical Takeoff and Landing(VTOL)unmanned air vehicles(UAVs).This system is intended to provide forward-refueling capabilities by utilizing a host unmanned ground vehicle(UGV)to serve as a launch/landing platform and service station.Teaming small UAVs with large UGVs can decrease risk to personnel and expand mission capabilities and effectiveness.There are several technical challenges that are being addressed by these development efforts.One of these is the development and integration of a precision landing system whose size allows it to be mounted on a small VTOL UAV while providing landing accuracy of 10 centimeters or less.Another challenge is the design
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- 关 键 词:
- ADA449457_ 提高 UGV UAV 效率 自动 发射 降落 加油 技术